Indonesian President signs regulation on alcoholic beverage control


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono signed new regulation on alcoholic beverage control. The new regulation replaced the Presidential Decree No. 74/2013 cancelled by Supreme Court in last June. The regulation put alcoholic beverages under government’s control.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

“The regulation is related to alcoholic beverages from both domestic and import, including their sales,” Article 3 Paragraph 3 at Presidential Decree No. 74/2013 says.

The new regulation put alcoholic beverages into three categories, namely Class A, B and C. Class A consists of beverages containing ethyl alcohol or ethanol (C2H5OH) with a level up to five percent. Class B is for beverages with ethanol more than five to 20 percent, while Class C is for beverages with ethanol more than 20 to 55 percent.

alcohol2All types of alcoholic beverages can only be sold in certain places including hotels, bars, restaurants and duty free shop. Class A can be sold in retail stores.

The regulation also gives authority to governors, regents, and mayors to determine where alcoholic beverages can be sold or consumed. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed to be sold near worship places, schools, and hospitals.


Malaysian Authorities Confiscate Bibles Containing ‘Allah’


TEMPO.CO, Kuala Lumpur – Islamic authorities in Selangor, Malaysia, confiscated 321 Bibles from a Christian group for using the word ‘Allah’ to refer to God on Thursday, January 2, 2014.

Lee Min Choon

Lee Min Choon

“We were notified that we are under investigation because we are violating the Law in Selangor. Non-Moslem citizens are prohibited from using the word ‘Allah’,” said the Head of the Bible community Lee Min Choon yesterday, as quoted by Reuters.

The confiscation was carried out after the Malaysian Court ruled that the Arabic word is exclusive to the majority of Melayu Muslim.

Allah debater decreeThe decision also overturned a previous court ruling that allowed a Roman Catholic newspaper to be printed in Melayu Language, and use the word ‘Allah’.

Experts asserted that the decision might be a plot to deter the public resentment towards Prime Minister Najib Razak’s administration for issuing subsidy budget cuts for electricity, fuel and sugar

Friday, 03 January, 2014

Allah Controversy

Masjid Nusantara Foundation to build 25 mosques


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG — Masjid Nusantara Foundation (YMN) plans to build 25 new mosques this year. They also plan to renovate 100 mosques and rejuvenate 100 sound system devices in mosques throughout archipelago in 2014.

“Number of mosques in this country is still small. It reduces the comfort of worship,” YMN Director, Muhammad Sobirin said recently.

YMN encourages many parties to work together in building, renovating and providing more mosques in Indonesia. YMN also provides 1,000 mukena (praying clothes) for people in West Java.

One of mosques that is built by YMN in 2013 is Al Khoiriyah mosque in Pangalengan, Bandung, West Java. The mosque has been dormant since four years ago. The mosque now can be used again by residents.

Chairman of Indonesia’s Mosque Council (DMI), Jusuf Kalla said that Indonesia had 850 thousand mosques. It helps to empower and improve living standards and create new jobs for people through mosque based entrepreneurial activity.

Jusuf Kalla

Jusuf Kalla

Kalla said a mosque should be a community center, including empowering families. Former vice president of Indonesia hopes that a mosque can bring positive impact. People can get double benefit in increasing their faith.

Istiqlal Grand Mosque, Jakarta

Istiqlal Grand Mosque, Jakarta