10 Malaysian figures get honorary awards from South Sulawesi’s Gowa Sultanate

gowa accera kalampoang

Ten Malaysian figures are among 50 people who got the title of ‘Bintang Mahaputra’ or aristocratic awards bestowed by I Paricu Muhammad Akbar Amir Sultan Aliyah Karaeng Manaba, Ma’gau/King Tallo XIX the ruler of Gowa Sultanate for their merits in conserving the sultanate’s cultural existence at Rotterdam Fort, Makassar, Saturday night, 4/1.

According to the advisor of Tallo-Gowa King, Muhammad Nusran, the ten were representatives of the Malaysian sultanate who still have ethnic and genealogic relations with the descendants of Bugis-Makassar royals.

“They were intentionally invited for maintaining the sultanate culture and customs so that they can be known in the world, while 40 others hailed from several cities and regencies in South Sulawesi province.”

The tombs of Gowa Sultans

The tombs of Gowa Sultans



‘Republika’ can survive longer because more moderate, modern, nationalistic, populist and Islamic: Janet Steele


Republika daily is the greatest Islam-based media in Indonesia which is able to surivive for 21 years… Republika can survive for long time because it is more moderate. modern, nationalistic, populist and Islamic,” while “Many pers in the world cannot survive for long time,” said Janet Steele, an American professor from Faculty of Media and Public Relations of the George Washington University, responding the 21st anniversary of the Republika daily.

Janet Steele

Janet Steele

“Besides, Republika does not take a side to certain Islamic group or sect… Still, Islamic culture also influences journalism in Indonesia, especially Republika,” Steele added.




Renown Muslim singer Opick to sing 17 songs for Palestinian people

opick act

Popular Muslim singer Opick is ready to sing 17 songs in a charity concert for the people of Palestine at Academic Activity Centre Dayan Dawood Building in Banda Aceh, Aceh Nanggroe Darussalam this Sunday morning (5/1) at 8.30-12.30pm.

“InsyaAllah (if God willing), I will sing some 17 songs to raise the spirit of audience to help people in Palestine,” Opick said during a press conference in Aceh, Saturday (4/1).

opick actiIt will be his special performance because The Tombo Ati band and Acehnese poet Ayah Oon will accompany him.

Besides, he will auction some of his stuff to raise the fund. “The money from the auction will be given to Palestinian people through the National Committee for Palestinian People (KNRP).

opick For Palestine by Ubay KPI (24)

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