Indonesian Muslim student association sends a team to Bali to advocate Muslim female students banned to wear jilbab


“We’re now in Bali, endeavoring an advocacy for Muslim female student who has been struggling to wear jilbab (hijab) in her school,” Helmi, chairman of Pelajar Islam Indonesia (PII, Indonesian Muslim Students Association)’s Advocative Team, to, Monday (06/01/2014).

HelmiThe team is now conducting consolidation, consultation and audience with the related parties. “We had tried to meet the principal of SMA Negeri (State Senior High School) 2 of Denpasar, but we haven’t be able to see directly, so we just send a letter for audience further,” Halim said.

Anita Wardhani, 17, second from Left. Photo courtesy of

Anita Wardhani, 17, second from Left. Photo courtesy of

As reported, a 17-year old Muslim female student of SMAN 2 of Denpasar, Bali, claimed that she has no freedom to perform the thing that is taught by her faith because of the school bans her to wear jilbab since she entered the school three years ago.

According to Helmi, who is also Deputy Secretary General of the Central Executive of PII), the Advocative Team also moves the issue through Online Petition and it already collected more than 1,000 signatures.

The ban to wear jilbab is not only happened in Denpasar, but also in Badung, Bulelelng and Singaraja.

4 Indonesian Directors Collaborate in a Kids Omnibus Movie


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Four Indonesian directors—Rizal Mantovani, Upi, Eko Kristanto, and Alfani Wiryawan—teamed up to create an omnibus movie for children titled Princess, Bajak Laut & Alien (Princess, Pirate, and Alien).

Rizal Mantovani directed one part of the movie called Kamu Bully Aku B-Boy (You’re a Bully, I’m a B-Boy). It tells the story of a student who is often bullied by his classmates. Desperate for a way out, he comes up with a breakthrough dance.

Another director, Eko Kristanto, worked on an adventure called Misteri Rumah Nenek. Alfani Wiryawan came up with a family drama titled Babeh of Babeh, casting the comedic Tora Sudiro. Lastly, Upi closes the omnibus with Princess, Bajak Laut & Alien, the story of an alienated boy who likes reading.

The omnibus has proven to be quite a challenge for the quartet, as they tried to combine four different ideas. The movie, as the directors expected, can serve its purpose; to enrich the Indonesian movie repertoire, particularly for children.


Popular singer/composer Opick sings for Palestine in Aceh

opick aceh

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDA ACEH – Aunur Rofiq Lil Firdaus or Opick, Indonesian singer and composer of Islamic songs, held a charity concert for Palestine on Sunday.

“Palestinian people needs help from all over the world including from Aceh,” he told before thousands of his audience.

Opick sang a number of religious songs, and between the songs he explained about the suffering of Palestinian people. The organizing committee collected charity at least 900 million IDR and some valuable goods from the concert.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) had called on Indonesia to increase its contribution as the agency is facing a funding shortfall of 37 million USD until the end of the year, an UNRWA spokesperson said.

“If funds are not forthcoming, we will not be able to pay the salaries of teachers, medical personnel, social workers and other staff in December, which will bring our operations to a standstill,” Esther Kuish Laroche, the chief of UNRWAs Donor Relations Division, said in her keynote speech at the commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People in Jakarta earlier on Thursday.

Laroche noted that in 2012 Indonesian government had increased its contribution to UNRWA from 20 thousand USD to 100 thousand USD.

“We are grateful for that. On this day of solidarity, I would like to call upon your generosity to further increase Indonesias support. I look forward to seeing our relationship deepen and grow further,” Laroche, based in Jerusalem, added, while praising Indonesia for its solidarity with the Palestinians for several decades.

She said the Palestinian refugee population had grown from 750,000 to more than five million people living across Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Gaza and the West Bank.

Aunur Rofiq Lil Firdaus (Opick)

Aunur Rofiq Lil Firdaus (Opick)

Govt to build low cost dormitory for students in pesantrens


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Minister of Public Housing, Djan Faridz,plans to build low cost dormitory for students of islamic boarding schools, or pesantren, in various regions.

“Islamic boardings school has grown since the colonial era. Today we have 27 thousand Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. However, their dormitories are improper ,” Faridz said on Monday.

Minister said that generally I found 20 students live in 3×4 meter squares room.

In 2012 the budget allocated for low cost dormitory was only enough for eight Islamic boarding schools. The number then increases to 300 boarding schools in 2014, as the budget increases from 900 billion IDR in 2011 to 4.6 trillion IDR in 2014.

Djan Fariz

Djan Fariz

Pesantren expected to improve national economy


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SOLO — Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Hatta Rajasa expects that Islamic boarding school or pesantren can improve national economy. Pesantren as part of community in society has important role in rural economy.

“Religious community and pesantren have main role to encourage local community. Therefore, I need to give insight to our people and government this year,” Rajasa said recently.

According to him, national economic insight has to be delivered to all levels of society because religious community can develop economic society. For example, Majelis Tafsir Alquran or Tafsir Al-Quran Assembly (MTA) has brought economic improvement in society through various businesses, such as printing, mineral water, educational institutions, also Hajj and umrah agencies.

Hatta Rajasa

Hatta Rajasa

Indonesian animation movie trailer on ‘Battle of Surabaya’ gets a world award in US


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA – Indonesian animation movie trailer titled Battle of Surabaya (BOS) awarded the International Movie Trailer Festival (IMTF) in 2013 for category of People’s Choice Award. Film by STMIK Amikom Movie Studio and MSV Pictures set aside hundreds of movie trailers from 20 countries, such as USA, UK, Spain, France and Australia.

IMTF was followed by 246 movie trailers from various countries. The 2D film animation is choosed by 6,580 anime fans. The film grabs 1,869 votes over his rival, The Two Pamelas from USA.

M Suyanto

M Suyanto

BOS Executive Producer, M Suyanto is happy the animated movie welcomed internationally. Basically BOS will only be marketed in the country.

“We made this movie for domestic market, but it has received international appreciations. Its market will be expanded,” Suyanto said recently.

bos1Battle of Surabaya is an epic battle that took place in Surabaya on November 10, 1945. It was one of the most heroic and violent episodes of the Indonesian Independence War. This movie tells the story of an ittle shoeshine, Musa. He becomes a letter courier between Indonesian soldiers and militants. He dreams to be a hero in the battle.

Suyanto said that the animation wanted to tell that everyone could be a hero in his own way. The film is also made in games, story books and picture books.
