Indonesian migrant workers` remittances reach US$7.4 billion

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Indonesian migrant workers were able to send money to Indonesia amounting to 7.4 billion USD or about 88.6 trillion IDR in 2013, a senior official said.

Head of the National Agency for Placement and Protection of Indonesian Workers Abroad (BNP2TKI) Moh Jumhur Hidayat on Tuesday, 7/1/14, remarked that the remittances excluded the money carried in the form of cash by the workers when they returned to Indonesia.

Djumhur Hidayat

Djumhur Hidayat

“The amount also excluded the money sent by the workers employed abroad through services apart from banks, such as postal transfer, Western Union, and other services,” Jumhur added.

In total, the Indonesian workers remittances could reach 120 trillion IDR per annum. He pointed out that currently, there are about six million Indonesian workers employed in 160 countries.

migrant.img_assist_custom-300x364“This means that the presence of six million Indonesian workers abroad has helped the government to reduce its unemployment rate at home. They support some 30 million people, assuming that each worker has four family members,” Jumhur claimed.



“Hopefully, the National Police’s Deputy Chief gets ‘hidayah’ soon”: Muslim scholar

jilbab larang

On the delay of wearing jilbab for Muslim police women, Secretary General of the Majelis Intelektual Ulama Muda Indonesia (MIUMI, Intellectual Council of Indonesian Younger Ulama)) Bachtiar Nasir said to the Republika Online, Wednesday, 11/12/13 in Jakarta: “Hopefully, the National Police’s Deputy Chief gets ‘hidayah’ (guidance) from Allah SWT. What that he did is very very harmful, especially for the police women who have been wanting to perform the teaching of their faith.”

Banning Muslim female student to wear jilbab, violating constitution: Legislator

“If any school should make its own rules, the rules must not conflict with the constitution or higher laws, “Zainudin, legislator of the House of Representatives’s Commission X, said in a brief message to the Republika Online, Tuesday (7/1) night.

“Wearing hijab is a human rights including school students. These rights are also protected by the 1945 Constitution, so that the school rules should not violate the state constitution,”

Ahmad Zainuddin

Ahmad Zainuddin

Right Commission: School must respect its female student’s choice to wear jilbab


“School must respect its female student’s choice to wear jilbab, so it should not issue a threat to the student to strip her jilbab,” Nur Kholis, a member of the National Commission on Human Rights (KOmnas HAM) to Republika Online, 7/1/14.

Nur Kholis

Nur Kholis

The commission asked the school executives not to issue any policy to remove the student from the school. “It’s not allowed for the school to remove its student because of jilbab matters,” Kholis confirmed.

Suryadharma Ali

Suryadharma Ali

Minister of Religious Affairs Suryadharma Ali harshly criticized the state school’s policy which banning Muslim female student to wear jilbab. He promised to discuss this case with Minister of Education Muhammad Nuh.

Meanwhile, Ikatan Pelajar Putri Nahdlatul Ulama, a female student wing of Nahdlatul Ulama, regretted the school’s policy and supported Deputy Minister of Education and Culture to take a measure against the school.