‘Zakat’ granted for victims of Sinabung volcanic eruption in N. Sumatra and Manado floods in N. Sulawesi

“Baznas (national Agency for Religious Alms) have coordinated the provision of assistance to the Provincial and District Baznas, the Cities affected,” KH Didin Hafiduddin told Republika on Sunday (19/1).

didin hHe said, for disaster management program of Baznas, called ‘Indonesia Peduli’ (Indonesian Care). Currently, some local charity Agency (Bazda) have activated their zakat role in the disaster area in Indonesia. Like the existing Bazda in Karo district, which has been providing assistance to victims of Mt. Sinabung. This is done by Baznas in cooperation with Bazda of Sumatra.


sinabungThen, add to Didi, for in the region of Manado, Baznas cooperates with Bazda and Manado provide relief to flood victims in this weekend.

floods manado

As for Jakarta, in addition to the down immediately provide assistance, Baznas also directly collaborating with other agencies such as, Basarnas (National Search and Rescue Agency)and Tagana (Youths who Ready for Helping Victims of Calamities).

floods jak

floods jkt


The Colorful Soto Dishes of Madura


Musthofa Bisri

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – In addition to its delicious satay, Madura Island is well known for its various soto dishes. Different regions serve different kind of soto. Soto stalls in Bangkalan, for example, are known to serve soto with beef slices and offal. While in Sumenep, the soto has free-ranged chicken meat.

One of not-so-may restaurants in Bangkalan that serves Soto Madura among other menus is the Sederhana Restaurant in Nyondung street, Trageh District. The restaurant offers two kinds of soto: Soto Madura and Soto Daging (Beef Soto). “Soto Madura and Soto Daging are different, although the ingredients may be similar,” said the owner, Haji Faisol.

Soto Madura a la Haji Faisol has an almost-clear broth with big slices of tender beef. The broth was a bit salty but savory on the tongue. Raw scallion slices that were sprinkled on the broth added a fresh taste. “The price is Rp20,000 plus iced tea,” said Faisol. According to Faisol, Soto in Bangkalan is less popular than dishes made of duck meat.

Another kind of soto is sold in a small stall in Socah district. It is soto tongkol (mackerel tuna soto). This less-cholesterol dish has reddish broth from the red chili extract that is included. Aisyah, the stall owner, sells her cooking for Rp6,000 per bowl. Aisyah can cook up to 10 kilograms of tongkol fish in a day. “The customers are local residents,” she said.

In Sumenep, you can taste the city’s distinctive soto in Warung 17 in Trunojoyo street. Edi Setiawan, the stall owner said that his soto is made from an original recipe that has been inherited from generation to generation. Just like typical Sumenep soto, the soto in this stall has clear broth with chicken meat slices, fried sprout, vermicelli, scallions and friend shallot slices. To taste the delicacy of this dish, you only need to pay Rp12,000 per portion.

Edi explained that Chinese cooking influence can be seen in the original Sumenep soto. “Sprout is a must-available ingredient in Chinese dishes such as Cap Cay,” he said.

There are also soto sabreng or cassava soto that can be found in Sumenep. The dish got its name since the sellers include boiled cassava slices into the dish as replacement for rice or lontong (packed rice). According to Edi, this kind of dish can be said as Sumenep’s distinctive dish. Inside of it are also beef and cow’s intestine seasoned with hot grinded peanut. The dish is sold at Rp7,500 per portion.

TEMPO English
Saturday, 18 January, 2014

soto madura

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LPPOM-MUI to promote halal certification for hotels

hotel symbolization-of-halal

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Indonesian Ulema Council’s Food and Drug Analysis Agency (LPPOM MUI) will promote halal certification for hotels in the regions of tourist destinations. LPPOM MUI Director, Lukmanul Hakim said that Jakarta provincial governor previously issued regulation about it.

Lukmanul Hakim

Lukmanul Hakim

“Next provinces are Central Java, West Java, Yogyakarta and Bali,” Hakim said recently.

The agency is discussing with other areas, particularly Padang, West Sumatra. Hakim said that MUI would provide halal certification process for hotels gradually. Jakarta as the first pilot project has become tourist destinations that need promotional values. West Java will also become a halal province.

At least 50 percent hotels in each province getting halal certifications this year. Hakim said that government needed to support the promotion of halal certification for hotels. — Reported by Ani Nursalikah/Mutia Ramadhani, edited by Yeyen Rostiyan

Aston Denpasar Hotel & Convention Center General Manager Irmansjah Mahdewa, receiving the hotel Halal certification from the MUI (Top) and a group picture of the hotel's senior staff marking the occasion. 'Halal Certification' - means the kitchen, food preparations, supply chains and menus of the hotel have all been inspected and certified to confirm to strict requirements for compliance with Islamic dietary traditions.

Aston Denpasar Hotel & Convention Center General Manager Irmansjah Mahdewa, receiving the hotel Halal certification from the MUI (Top) and a group picture of the hotel’s senior staff marking the occasion. ‘Halal Certification’ – means the kitchen, food preparations, supply chains and menus of the hotel have all been inspected and certified to confirm to strict requirements for compliance with Islamic dietary traditions.

