Parents obliged to ‘hit’ children who refuse to pray, says lecturer

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Waqiuddin Rajak

PARENTS are obliged to strike their children if they refused to or are careless in performing the five daily prayers once they have reached the age of 10, said an academician from Malaysia yesterday.

Dr Abdul Munir Ismail

Dr Abdul Munir Ismail

However, parents should not exert powerful force when using this approach as the intention is to teach and not to hurt, stressed Dr Abdul Munir Ismail (pic), senior lecturer from Universiti Pendidikan Islam Sultan Idris (UPSI).

He was one of the speakers at the third Usuluddin Education Seminat held at the Seri Begawan Religious Teacher’s University College (KUPU SB).

His presentation was based on his research on the Banjar community, specifically on approaches of parents in teaching religious obligations to their children.

“Sometimes when we tell our children to pray, they do follow for about a week, but given a month or so, we would see that some stop doing their prayers,” said Dr Abdul Munir.

Istiqomah (consistency) is important in teaching children to fulfil their religious obligations.

pray father-and-little-daughter-praying“So in cases like these, we are allowed to hit our children if they still refused to pray given that the children had reached the age of 10,” he added.

However, the senior lecturer warned parents against hitting children for a different cause such as loss of money, playing truant, or underperforming in school.

“Strict approaches should be applied only when children have refused to fulfil their religious obligations,” he said.

Dr Abdul Munir provided guidelines on using this approach which should only be used as the last resort.

“When hitting children, especially with a cane, parents should first ensure that they understand why they are being hit,” he said.

Parents should give initial warnings beforehand and only when the child refuses to comply should the parents resort to hitting.

“Parents should not do it in a harsh manner or forcefully; they should also hold their children’s hand as a sign of affection, because we hit to teach not to hurt,” emphasised Dr Abdul Munir.

“The next time, we could remind our children if they forget to pray; say something like there is a cane hanging at the back of the house so children would get scared and remember to perform their prayers.”

During the question and answer session at the end of the seminar, a number of questions were posed by participants.

One participant asked of the suitable age where the approach of hanging the cane would be most effective.

Dr Abdul Munir responded by saying that for the usage of psychology, usually reminding children with the existence of a cane is usually effective for children between the ages of four and 10.

pray1“Psychological approaches could also be helpful, like saying if children failed to pray, they will be caned five times and for younger children, they can be taught through the caning of their elder siblings who have fulfilled the age requirements (by organising a family meeting),” he said.

Dr Abdul Munir was also asked of his opinion on parents delegating the task of disciplining children through this method to the eldest child in the family.

According to the senior lecturer, it is not right for parents to do so as they (the older children) might cause hurt rather than teaching a lesson.

“This approach can be considered (for those aged 18 and above) but as I said, the hitting should not cause any harm to the younger children,” he said.

The Brunei Times
Thursday, January 9, 2014


The Prophet’s Treatment Towards Children

The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “He is not of us (the one) who does not have mercy on our young children, nor honor our elderly.” [Tirmidhi]

The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) himself never even hit a woman, a child, or an animal.

The Companion Anas ibn Malik (Allah be pleased with him) helped serve the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) for 10 years during his youth. He described his personal experiences with the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) and said:

“I served the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) for ten years. He never said to me ‘uff!’ (a word in the Arabic language used to express one’s annoyance). And he never said about a thing I did, ‘why did you do that?’ And he never said about a thing I left, ‘why did you leave that?’ The Messenger of God (Allah bless him and give him peace) was the best of people in character…” [Tirmidhi]


Muslims demand Vatican envoy leave Malaysia

Members of the Perkasa group and Jati Movement protested in the front of the Vatican embassy in Kuala Lumpur demanding the return of Archbishop Joseph Marino. The group said an apology was not enough Marino to make amends, Friday, 17/1/2014.

Dato Ibrahim Ali

Dato Ibrahim Ali

“Joseph Marino is the ambassador persona non grata in Malaysia. He is not wanted here and has to leave Malaysia,” the Perkasa leader Datuk Ibrahim Ali was quoted as saying by the New Straits Times.

The group filed a memorandum of protest to the Vatican embassy. “We seriously urge the Vatican envoy to withdraw voluntarily from Malaysia, because the statement is not wise and is not acceptable, which caused outrage from the Muslim community,” said a memorandum was sound.

Vatican ambassador to Malaysia Archbishop Joseph Marino

Vatican ambassador to Malaysia Archbishop Joseph Marino

Marino – who arrived in Kuala Lumpur about six months ago – recently said the Christian Federation of Malaysia filed a reason of “logical and acceptable” arguments related to the use of the word of ‘Allah’ in the Bible in the Malay language and other literature.

His remarks sparked protests from the Muslim community and Marino proposed apology through Foreign Minister Seri Anifah Aman. He said that it does not intend to interfere in the domestic issues of Malaysia.

Dato Ibrahim Ali

Malaysian king backs ban on non-Muslims using ‘Allah’


MALAYSIA’S king gave his backing yesterday to a court ruling barring non-Muslims from using the word Allah to refer to God, weighing in for the first time on an issue that has fanned religious tensions in the multi-cultural country.

Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam, whose role as head of state is largely ceremonial, alluded to the issue which has raised questions over miniority rights during his birthday speech to the Southeast Asian nation.

king malA court in October ruled that the word was exclusive to majority Malay Muslims, overturning an earlier decision allowing a Catholic newspaper to use Allah in its Malay-language edition. The court ruling has since prompted Muslim leaders to call for demonstrations against Christians who do not comply. Christians make up about 9 percent of Malaysia’s 29 million people. “In the context of a pluralistic society, religious sensitivities especially related to Islam as the religion of the federation should be respected,” Sultan Abdul Halim said in the speech released by state news agency Bernama.

“Confusion and controversy can be averted if there is adherence to the provisions of the law and judicial decisions.”

Police are currently investigating a Catholic priest under sedition laws for insisting the word can be used by non-Muslims in Malay, the country’s national language. Sultan Abdul Halim is one of the nine sultans who take turns every five years to serve as head of state. While the king has limited powers, he is regarded as a defender of the Islamic faith and is deeply respected by the Malay Muslims who make up 60 per cent of the population. The sultans have become increasingly vocal about their role in defending Islam.

They have the authority to appoint clerics and instruct religious police to safeguard the faith in Malaysian states that they head.

Monday, January 20, 2014

allah info

West Java, a target of christianization: Mosque Council

krist mochtar-makelar-gereja

According to Zulkarnain, many Muslim communities in West Java were successfully converted to Christianity with some motives, namely economic problems and marriage motives. the prone areas of apostasy in West Java are occurred in Cianjur, Garut, Bandung regency and others.

kristenisasi“The Apostasy continues to occur because there are missionaries who spread their religion to the people who have another religion,” Zulkarnain, Chairman of the West Java branch of Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI), told Republika Online, Sunday 19/1/2014.

kristenisasi-ciketingAccording to Zulkarnain, the famous Sundanese culture is so friendly to every newcomer, and it is used by the missionaries to facilitate their mission. With this culture, the Sundanese have been becoming an easy target.
