10 Malaysian figures get honorary awards from South Sulawesi’s Gowa Sultanate

gowa accera kalampoang

Ten Malaysian figures are among 50 people who got the title of ‘Bintang Mahaputra’ or aristocratic awards bestowed by I Paricu Muhammad Akbar Amir Sultan Aliyah Karaeng Manaba, Ma’gau/King Tallo XIX the ruler of Gowa Sultanate for their merits in conserving the sultanate’s cultural existence at Rotterdam Fort, Makassar, Saturday night, 4/1.

According to the advisor of Tallo-Gowa King, Muhammad Nusran, the ten were representatives of the Malaysian sultanate who still have ethnic and genealogic relations with the descendants of Bugis-Makassar royals.

“They were intentionally invited for maintaining the sultanate culture and customs so that they can be known in the world, while 40 others hailed from several cities and regencies in South Sulawesi province.”

The tombs of Gowa Sultans

The tombs of Gowa Sultans

