Indonesian Muslim student association sends a team to Bali to advocate Muslim female students banned to wear jilbab


“We’re now in Bali, endeavoring an advocacy for Muslim female student who has been struggling to wear jilbab (hijab) in her school,” Helmi, chairman of Pelajar Islam Indonesia (PII, Indonesian Muslim Students Association)’s Advocative Team, to, Monday (06/01/2014).

HelmiThe team is now conducting consolidation, consultation and audience with the related parties. “We had tried to meet the principal of SMA Negeri (State Senior High School) 2 of Denpasar, but we haven’t be able to see directly, so we just send a letter for audience further,” Halim said.

Anita Wardhani, 17, second from Left. Photo courtesy of

Anita Wardhani, 17, second from Left. Photo courtesy of

As reported, a 17-year old Muslim female student of SMAN 2 of Denpasar, Bali, claimed that she has no freedom to perform the thing that is taught by her faith because of the school bans her to wear jilbab since she entered the school three years ago.

According to Helmi, who is also Deputy Secretary General of the Central Executive of PII), the Advocative Team also moves the issue through Online Petition and it already collected more than 1,000 signatures.

The ban to wear jilbab is not only happened in Denpasar, but also in Badung, Bulelelng and Singaraja.