NU, Muhammadiyah – Two Indonesian largest Muslim organizations support death penalty against drug dealers


The Nahdlatul Ulama or NU, the biggest Muslim organization in Indonesia, along with the second largest one, the Muhammadiyah, gives support to the government over the implementation of death penalty against drug dealers, senior members of the organizations said here on Wednesday.

The statement followed the visits of President Joko Widodo to the headquarters of the two organizations to request their opinions on the implementation of death penalty.

KH Said Aqil Siradj

KH Said Aqil Siradj

“The Nahdlatul Ulama supports the death penalty against dealers of drug,” Chairman of NU Aqil Siradj said at the NU headquarters, adding, “It is in line with the state constitution.”

Chairman of Muhammadiyah Malik Fajar also conveyed support to the punishment, saying, “Muhammadiyah fully supports the implementation of death penalty against drug dealers.”

Prof Dr HA Malik Fadjar

Prof Dr HA Malik Fadjar

Indonesia is the world’s largest Muslim country, with Muslims accounting for the majority of its 238 million population, most of them are moderate.

The president said that he had already rejected dozens of petitions for exemption submitted by drug dealers who had been sentenced to death penalty by courts, and he already asked the attorney general’s office, police and other related institutions to strengthen efforts to enforce the anti-drug law.

Indonesia’s anti-narcotic agency has targeted to from the country from drug next year.

Xinhuanet, 24 Dec 2014

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